Access Engineering
Access Engineering (AE) partners with local summer programs (K-8th grade residential and day camps), bringing hands-on engineering activities led by trained female engineering role models to summer programs based on our successful outreach model with afterschool programs for over 4 years (I2D2). Through partnerships with organizations listed below we anticipate that WIEP will impact over 1200 K-8th grade students in one summer! Depending on the camp format, we will visit some camps more than once with a different activity each time over the course of the summer. We will assess the impact of AE on students' perception of and familiarity with what engineers do as well as their perception of and interest in engineering before and after the AE program.
- Increase positive perception of engineering/engineers
- Increase interest in engineering in general and as a possible career
- Provide information on how to pursue this new interest (e.g., handouts, knowledge to pursue math/science classes)
Community Partners
Brothers Drive Kinder Care
Girl Scouts of Central Indiana
Hannah Center
Imagination Station
Lyn Treece Boys & Girls Clubs
McAllister Parks & Recreation
Murdock Elementary FOCUS Program
Purdue Athletes Life Success Program (PALS)
Handouts for Parents and Participants
- Engineer Your Life (EYL) suggested coursework/college preparation for engineering
- Which E is for Me? - Engineering Disciplines descriptions and useful websites
- Parent Handout - resources for encouraging your daughter/son to consider engineering
For more information, contact Assistant Director: Sue Bayley,